Tempest (River)
I have gone by many names as part of my journey, and they each had their own purpose. From time to time, I have called upon these names, even after I no longer publicly use them to call upon the strength or meaning that each name represents.
Even though I was baptized Catholic as a baby, I was raised around indigenous Mexican folk medicine, curanderas, and Santeria. I made my communion when I was in second grade, followed by my confirmation at the urging of my family. Catholicism alone hadn’t felt like the right path for me, but I continued going to church to appease my family. Later that year I came out of every closet. I embrace my own heritage. I practice my beliefs in a way that fulfills my spirituality. I am a Satanist and practice Eclectic Queer Witchcraft.
I am a genderfluid lesbian. I am a member of the Human Rights Campaign, ACLU Texas, and have attended workshops to better advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. I consider myself an LGBTQ+ Rights advocate.
I have now been practicing some form of Paganism for over 20 years, and I have been active in the San Antonio Neo-Pagan community since 2004.
*I was initiated into the Sibylline Order of Wicca in 2004 and received my 2nd degree as a Healing Priestess in 2008.
*From 2004 to approximately 2008 I was the organizer of the San Antonio Pagan Meetup.
*I was the Children's Area Coordinator for San Antonio Pagan Pride Day in 2007 & 2008.
*In 2011, my close friend Seshen Wolfsong and I, founded and currently Co-Organize the San Antonio Pagan Outreach.
​*I became a Sister in the Jade Wolf Coven on March 21, 2015. I was Handmaiden of Earth from October 7, 2016, until my resignation in August 2018. (I am no longer a member, but I wish them well.)
*On April 8, 2016, I became a Minerval in the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis), and on April 10, 2016, I was baptized into the E.G.C. (Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica or Gnostic Catholic Church).
*With the help of Ember Fae, the idea of the Coven of Prismatic Light was born on January 16, 2018.
*I became a member of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Antonio in February 2019 to become a co-facilitator of TANG: Trans and Non-binary Group until Fall 2020.
*I am a member of The Satanic Temple. This group and this page are not affiliated with The Satanic Temple in any way.

Ember (Bree)
I guess you could say I have always been more spiritual than religious. I began actively pursuing my path in 2013. I have been drawn to magick since childhood, and there are aspects of being a Witch that I deeply connect with. I am studying different paths of Paganism which include Eclectic Queer Witchcraft. I consider myself a spiritual Satanist.
My spiritual journey has been a roller coaster. I grew up in a very conservative Christian home and attended Christian schools as a child. I am an out and proud pansexual transwoman which left me alienated in my own home.
I consider myself relatively new to the local Pagan community, however I helped fellow witches with a fundraiser for a friend with cancer at their booth during the 2017 San Antonio Pagan Pride Day. Since then, I have joined efforts with Tempest to co-organize several events while continuing to help out the local Pagan and LGBTQ+ communities.
I have become a member of Human Rights Campaign, ACLU Texas, and will continue staying involved. I have attended workshops to be a better advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, and I consider myself an advocate.

Youth Leader
I am one of the Youth Leaders, and I have been active in the Pagan community since I was a toddler.
Youth Leader

I am a Youth Leader, and I have been around the Pagan community since I was a baby.